
Rewrite Text and Words with AI

Our cutting-edge Rewording Tool—Carefully designed with students and content creators in mind. Equipped with advanced AI algorithms to generate unique paraphrases while preserving the original meaning. Here’s how to use it: Choose any of the reworder’s mode, type or paste text into the input box, and click “start rewriting.”

0 characters,  0 words
Paraphrased text will display here
Separate words with commas (,)
Shorten Rewrite text Grammar Checker

Enhance Your Writing: Create Clear, Concise, Original Content

We created this rewording tool to help students, professionals, copywriters, journalists, and authors rephrase their writing—from single sentences for ads, tweets, posts, and messages to extensive materials like emails, blog posts, articles, and essays. 

While you can use our AI reworder to simplify complex writing, clarify meanings, or create quality content that stands out. we emphasize the importance of creating original content and responsibly avoiding plagiarism.

Explore Our Rewording Tool’s Modes

Below is an overview of the different modes available in the Rewording Tool. Each mode is designed to meet your specific content needs, helping you reword, summarize, or expand your text as needed. Use this guide to choose the mode that best fits your writing goals.

🔄 Reworder A handy paraphrase generator that rewords your text to craft a fresh copy.
🤖 Formal Rewrites text by AI to create a unique, human-like version.
💡 Expander Expands your idea with more information and details.
✍️ Shorten Summarizes your long text into shorter one.

Enhance Vocabulary with Our Smart Thesaurus

Word Explorer is a built-in option that allows you to change words and phrases with their synonyms instantly. Making it much easier for you to reword any piece of text quickly and accurately.

To use this feature, click on any word you’d like to replace. Then, a list of synonym suggestions will display. Go through your entire text and change as many words as you like. It’s free.

synonyms finder

Achieve Professional Writing Clarity

The rewording tool empowers you to rephrase, customize and enhance content precisely to your requirements, making it an indispensable aid for all your writing tasks. Let’s discover how it can scale your writing process to the best. 

In its standard “Reworder” mode, it adeptly rephrases text to enhance clarity and freshness. Need a concise summary? Switch to “Shorten” mode to summarize your content effortlessly. And if more detailed explanations are necessary, the “Expand” mode enriches your text by elaborating on key points.

Screenshot of Rewording Tool interface displaying various modes and settings, including dual text areas for original and rewritten content.
The Intuitive interface of our Rewording Tool, featuring paraphrasing modes and side-by-side text comparison for original and rewritten content.

The Advantages of Our AI Sentence Rewriter

Its significance for bloggers:

The recommended approach to marketing someone’s business online is blogging.

Updating outdated content regularly is good for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and can keep the website fresh and among the best on search engines. In this regard, our smart rewriter generator proves to be incredibly valuable—By efficiently rewording text, our tool ensures that your content remains relevant and optimized for search engines.

Flat style icon of a laptop displaying a webpage layout with header, text, and image elements symbolizing blogging

Generate similar ideas in different words

Many students and writers struggle to express themselves differently and often find themselves repeating large portions of the original text, which can sometimes alter the intended meaning. To overcome these challenges, it’s usually best to use a website that specializes in rewording.

Look no further—our text spinner offers several rephrasing options from which writers can choose. This improves the overall tone of writing, helps bypass plagiarism checkers, and most importantly, allows for expressing existing text in new terms while maintaining the original meaning. Such tools are essential for creating unique content and ensuring communications remain clear and effective.

A podium with three overhead speech bubbles in yellow, pink, and blue colors symbolizing different wording for one idea

Before and After: Check Out the Impact of Our Rewording Tool on Text

Find out how our reworder tool applies machine learning technology to rephrase your sentence, paragraph, or assignment. Look at real examples of text before and after. You’ll see how Natural Language Processing (NLP) makes text clearer and easier to read.

Example of text rewording using our tool, displaying original text alongside the improved, rewritten version in two distinct text areas
Original vs. Rewritten text comparison.

Why Should you Proofread Rewritten Content?

To rewrite sentences means you restate what it has already said or written in your own unique words. It is used extensively within academic writing when you want to refer to what others have said without resorting to using a direct quotation.

While it is quick to generate content through a free tool, it may not always provide you with the quality of articles that you will need. First, it will not change the actual structure of the writing. And second, it may have problems with word selection.

Article Rewriter Tools will often make mistakes while spinning articles for you. So, you will need to review the generated copy to ensure that it provides you with a readable text that reflects the original meaning.

Rephrasing a paragraph requires a full understanding of the original writing. It’s not about swapping the words for synonyms, as many will do. Sometimes using the wrong synonym can change the whole meaning of a sentence. Therefore, it is always best to have those important papers edited and proofread.

3 Steps to Assure an Effective Paraphrasing

Using a paraphrasing tool to do the work instead of hiring an experienced writer may help you if you are in a rush or not a native speaker. There are several language tips and rules that you must respect to get a good paraphrasing and these are some of them.

  1. Read the original content carefully and understand it.
  2. Don’t change the meaning of the text.
  3. Always use a proofreading tool like Grammarly to enhance grammar and therefore text readability.

“A paraphrase must provide the same information as the original and be written in your own word choice and sentence structure.” Source: kibin.com.

To learn more about content rewriting and how it works, check our paraphrasing examples for better writing.

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Paraphrasing With synonyms

Learn from others’ mistakes to use this text reworder effectively to rearrange or change the wording of your text. Avoid these paraphrasing mistakes to make sure your final draft is clear and strong.

Don’t Rely Too Much on Suggestions: While our tool gives helpful tips, don’t just accept them blindly. Check them to keep your text’s meaning and tone.

Think About Your Readers: Remember who will read your writing. Don’t change it in a way that doesn’t fit them.

Edit Your Text Carefully: Even with our tool, check your text for mistakes like bad grammar or confusing phrases.

Keep the Original Meaning: The point of substituting words with synonyms is to make the text clearer, not change its meaning. Stick to what the original words say.

Avoid Plagiarism: Make sure your paraphrased version is all yours. If you use someone else’s words, give them credit.