
The English language provides us with amazing tools including paraphrase and quotation that can help us to create content with just bit of research easily. Now with the existence of the internet and its overall popularity, people don’t have to go through countless hours of reading books to get information for their research about a subject. Paraphrasing is an essential academic skill that can be acquired over the years by tons of practice and reading. With the help of rewrite tool and paraphrasing, you can easily create content for your research papers, academic assignments or even for your online blog.


Paraphrasing — It is the process of rewording a write up to create a unique and different text which gives the same meaning as the original. Paraphrasing has been in use for countless years. It is also an easy way of providing a reader with a more straightforward and more comfortable to understand version of the source material from where you got your ideas.

Quotes — it is repeating or copying the exact text from resource material to portray the meaning that the original author meant to ultimately. It is generally used in textbooks to Make students and readers understand what the researcher wanted to convey. No changes are made while quoting someone as it would be against ethics. Quotes are used even while paraphrasing sometimes when the writer can’t put the meaning in simple words or to represent the situation better.

How to correctly use paraphrasing and quotes?

Let’s say you have to write a research paper or an article for the daily newspaper and you wish to introduce texts from a solid source material. To do that, you can use both paraphrasing and use quoting. To write a brilliant piece, it is necessary to understand when you should be paraphrasing and when you should be using quotes. The difference between paraphrasing and quotes is enormous but it still is challenging to understand which one you should be using. Here’s how you can quickly write a complete text without any errors –

Ideal situation to use paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing should be used when text is clustered, or the source material has been using lots of Technical faculties to better explain a topic to a niche audience when you are writing for the ordinary people you have to make sure that the text is understandable by everyone.

Paraphrasing helps you to make the write up simpler for people who might not have the capability to understand all the technicalities of the research paper. It should be used when you are you trying to know the topic better yourself as well as make sure that your readers can get a decent idea about what you wish to portray. For examples,  Check our article that talks on Paraphrasing Examples for a Better Writing.

Ideal situation to use quotes.

Quotations from a research paper or the source material from which gathered information yourself should be used only when you can’t paraphrase a part. A writer should use it either when the text can’t be put into simpler words, or the author of the source material is claiming something based on their research.
Quotes give you ethical freedom while writing an article because it is the original creator who has claimed those facts and not you. What should be taken into account is, that you don’t end up promoting something that is entirely false and even you had knowledge about it being wrong information.

While using quotes, one should always provide the links to the source material and references to back their claims.

When to paraphrase and when to quote

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